I did a really fun photo shoot a couple weeks ago and the photographer, Burt Swingle, just sent me over the images. He was fabulous to work with and I'm thrilled with how they came out. I felt so glamorous in this sparkly silver dress, like Marilyn Monroe in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes!" Isn't that movie just the best? Anyway, here's a few of the shots below. Enjoy!
Hey Guys! Thanks again for all the birthday love, it meant so much to me! I had a fabulous time at Shakespeare in the Park seeing "The Comedy of Errors." I just love living in New York City and getting to see such amazing productions. I've done a little Shakespeare myself, maybe you'll see me up on that stage one of these days! Hahahaha!!
I did a really fun photo shoot a couple weeks ago and the photographer, Burt Swingle, just sent me over the images. He was fabulous to work with and I'm thrilled with how they came out. I felt so glamorous in this sparkly silver dress, like Marilyn Monroe in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes!" Isn't that movie just the best? Anyway, here's a few of the shots below. Enjoy!
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![]() Hello everyone, guess what? Today is my birthday!!! Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Biiiiiirthday dear Apples, Happy Birthday to me! I had a super busy day - I shot a scene for a student film I'm starring in, had two auditions, and tonight I'll be going to see a performance of "The Comedy of Errors" at The Delacorte Theatre in Central Park! My best friend Junes and her boyfriend Brian waited in line early this morning to get tickets for my birthday. Isn't that sweet of them? Anyway, I gotta run but just wanted to stop in and say "hi." Thanks to all of you out there who have wished me a happy birthday already, it means so much!
Hello everyone! It's finally getting hot here in NYC and so I want to take this opportunity to discuss a very important topic: whether or not men should be allowed to walk down the street shirtless. I have some very strong feelings on this subject, and since it's my blog I'm gonna tell them to you! Hahahahaha! It is my personal belief that every man who would like to go shirtless on the street should be required to get a license to do so. He would have to appear before a panel of judges (selected by me of course) who will evaluate him and determine whether or not society will benefit from seeing his naked torso. That way we'll avoid seeing this: But we'll still get to see this: And in case you're wondering, yes, I did try to find a photo of my crush, Aziz Ansari shirtless and wouldn't you know it I couldn't find any! This has definitely got to change..... Have a good week!
I got an e-mail from the Gap today. It said "Introducing the Shoreline Slub." Like most others who received this e-mail, I was confused and had no idea what a "Shoreline Slub" could possibly be. I thought maybe it could be this: Or this: Or even this: This is Francesco Schettino, that horrible ship captain who crashed the cruise ship he was in charge of, causing thirty-two deaths, and then abandoned ship. Sounds like a shoreline slub to me! But then I scrolled down and saw that a "Shoreline Slub" is actually this: Turns out it's a freakin' t-shirt! Who knew? Maybe soon Gap will come out with something called the "Fall Day Fatty," (relaxed fit light weight sweater) or the "Crack Whore Skinnies" (very slim, ripped pants). And yes, I will sue if these styles show up in stores next year so don't even think about it Gap! Hahahaha!
Hey there, I'm so happy that you're reading my blog, whoever you are! Today I want to share with you my very favorite actor, my celebrity crush, the man who gets me all hot under the collar (on the days I'm wearing a shirt that is!). Without further adieu, may I present to you Mr. Aziz Ansari! Oh my God, have you ever seen such a beautiful hunk o' man? I sure haven't! I'm not going to gush too much more just now, (don't worry, I'll be doing plenty more of that in the future) but I do have one more thing to share. I just learned how to use photoshop. Here's what we'd look like on a Hawaiian vacation together: We make a handsome couple, wouldn't you say? Hahahahahahaha! 'Till next time!
Hey everyone, TGIF, am I right? I've had an exhausting week with a bunch of classes, meetings, and auditions. I have a good feeling about a couple of the auditions though so fingers (or hooves) crossed that I'll land something soon! Today I just wanted to bring up something that I know some of you readers might be thinking, which is that I'm full of it and I don't really have an acting/modeling/singing career. Well first of all screw you if you're thinking that. Just kidding - hahahahaha! It's a legitimate thought, but mules actually have a strong tradition in the arts dating all the way back to silent films. Most people have probably heard of Francis the Talking Mule, but did you know that "he" was actually played by a female mule named Molly? Cool huh? Other films starring mules include "Brighty of the Grand Canyon," and "Gus," and mules also played substantial roles in most Westerns. Check out a few photos of some of these talented mules in action below. Hopefully I can add my name alongside their's in the history books someday! Have a good weekend everyone! ![]() Hey Guys, Happy Tuesday. Today I just wanted to take a second to give a shout out to my friend Dave who booked this sweet print ad for Pert Plus. Congrats man! And by the way, Dave is the one on the right. Surprised? Well just because I'm a mule doesn't mean I know all the other mules in the world! Or that can't have human friends. It is 2013 after all.....
Hello everyone! How many of you out there are John Malkovich fans? I certainly am! He’s so creepy and interesting – what more could you want in an actor? One of my favorite performances of his actually isn’t an acting performance, it’s him reading “The Top 10 Things that Sound Creepy When Said by John Malkovich” on The Late Show With David Letterman. Here’s a link if you’re interested, and you should be because it’s freakin’ hysterical - hahahahaha! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSTx_tEMHBI I was inspired by Mr. Letterman and Mr. Malkovich to make my own top ten list: “The Top 10 Things that Sound Uncomfortable When Said by Apples Minsprod.” Here’s the list, but you'll have to watch the video below for the full effect. Enjoy! 10. That monkey is eating my banana. 9. Won’t you come over and play with me? 8. Somebody has to clean this up. 7. electromagnetic spectrum 6. Welcome to the Waffle House. 5. That’s one big balloon. 4. Rosebud 3. In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. 2. Pencil pusher 1. These chicken nuggets taste good. Hey everyone, hope you're having a good week so far! I have some exciting news to share, which you probably figured out, but if not it's that I'm featured in a print ad for citibike! For those of you outside of NYC, citibike is the new bike sharing system in Manhattan and Brooklyn. You can rent a bike from a bunch of different locations, ride around wherever you want and return it to any location. What a great idea, right? Too bad it costs an arm an a leg (or an arm an a hoof as I would say) but who am I to criticize the thing I just made a nice chunk of change from? I was up against dozens of humans to book this coveted spot, and lo and behold I did it! Yay for citibike for thinking outside the box and picking a mule to be in their ad during the big launch. :-) And lucky me, along with the actual payment, I received a lifetime free pass to ride citibikes whenever I want. I'll be out riding citibikes all summer long so definitely look for me and make sure to say hello. And screw you if you don't. Just kidding, hahahahahaha! 'Till next time......