Hey Guys! How's it going? Guess what - I got some new headshots! For those of you not in the biz (show biz that is), headshots are just what they sound like, shots or pictures of your head. We use them to submit for acting jobs, and if you look like the right type then the casting directors call you in for an audition. Actors should update their headshots every couple of years and I must confess that I am long overdue for some new acting headshots. So last week I had a session with a photographer here in NYC, Allessandra Carullo, and I could not be more thrilled with the results! Check them out: The top one I'm going to use to submit for more comedic type roles and the bottom for more dramatic roles. We did the shoot in midtown Manhattan, in an industrial area near the West Side Highway. It can be a little distracting shooting outside because NYC doesn't pause just so you can do your photo shoot. People walk past the shoot (or sometimes through it!), cars honk and there's wind and dust blowing everywhere. But it's also really fun and I think you get a much more natural picture when you're a little distracted. Anyway, I think I have some fabulous new headshots and I can't wait to submit them for jobs. Fingers (or hooves) crossed that they'll help me book a ton of work! Have a great weekend everyone!
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I came across something interesting online yesterday. Somebody made a list of the the top fifty film monologues of all time. I'm a sucker for lists of things so I clicked on the link. I got to about number 15 when I started to notice something. All of the monologues in this list had been performed by male actors. The closest thing to a woman in the top 25 was Dustin Hoffman as Dorothy in "Tootsie," and in total only 3 women were represented in this list. Now I know that it was just a random list done by a random person (seen here if you want to see for yourself: http://www.film.com/movies/the-50-greatest-movie-monologues), but I found other similar lists on different websites and they were all male dominated. Maybe this is a symptom of female voices being under-represented in screenwriting and film making in general but it rankled me nonetheless! If you know anything about me then you know that when I get rankled I take matters into my own hooves, so I decided that I'm going to do a series of videos where I perform some of these men's monologues. I wanna show the world that females can be just as powerful and compelling and strong and dramatic as the men and there's no reason why these lists shouldn't be filled with monologues done by Meryl Streep and Katherine Hepburn and Vivien Leigh and Cate Blanchett and Ingrid Bergman and Elizabeth Taylor and Kate Winslet and a bunch of other ladies who I don't have room to mention. So here's the first in the series, my interpretation of Jack Nicholson's monologue from "A Few Good Men." Enjoy! Dear People Magazine, Hi, this is Apples, long time reader/first time letter writer. This is in regards to your selection of Adam Levine as the Sexiest Man Alive 2013. Nothing against Mr. Levine, he has an ok face and a semi-hot bod, but you have overlooked someone who deserved the title way more. I'm talking about Mr. Aziz Ansari, the TRUE sexiest man alive. I shouldn't have to plead my case to you but I will anyway because it's a good excuse for me to post some photos of my Number One Guy: He knows how to dress. Look at that suit, isn't he smoldering? He is funny as heck...... But is also a talented dramatic actor. He's an animal lover.... and a super intelligent guy.... who isn't afraid to show his sensitive side. I mean really People look at them side by side, it's just no contest: Well, I think I've made my case. And if you refuse to change your mind then please consider this my official nomination for Sexiest Man 2014. The voice of the people will be heard!
Your's Truly, Apples |