Hey Y'all, I know you were waiting all week and it's finally here: In keeping with yesterday's Halloween theme I'm going to post a throwback Halloween picture, and this one is going waaaaay back: Do you get it? I'm a baby carrot!!! Hahahhaha! And I was just a baby back then so I can't take responsibility for the clever costume, it was my Mom's idea so thanks Mom! Have a great weekend everyone, and remember the advice I gave in my last post: stay away from the slutty costumes!
Hey Guys! It's that time of year again, and by that I mean it's time to choose your Halloween costume! Halloween has always been my favorite holiday, the combination of costumes and candy just can't be beat! But I gotta bring something up here that I am NOT a fan of: the trend of "ladies" wearing inappropriately sexy costumes. I'm not a prude, I don't mind sexy costumes in general, I'm talking about the kind of sexy costumes that make no sense whatsoever. Exhibit A: Sexy Ketchup? Really people? That's fine if you wanna be a condiment as a costume, I encourage you to be whatever condiment you want - mustard, relish, whatever! But if you do it, do it right & get a costume that's big enough. I don't remember ever seeing a pair of legs sticking out of the bottom of a ketchup bottle! Exhibit B: This one doesn't need much explanation, it's just gross. Babies are not sexy for crying out loud - they're babies! Exhibit C: Sexy Elmo - why?! Elmo is one of my favorite creatures of all time. I love Elmo! He is sweet, adorable, funny and charming, but sexy he is not, and I'm sure he doesn't appreciate being portrayed in this way. This goes for all the rest of the Sesame Street gang too, by the way. There's no need for a sexy Big Bird or a Sexy Cookie Monster or a sexy Oscar the Grouch costume (all of which exist by the way) - it's just wrong! Exhibit D: Talk about wrong: a sexy Amelia Earhart costume. I mean jeez, this woman achieved so much and now is being disrespected posthumously with this ridiculous portrayal! What's next? Sexy Susan B. Anthony? Sexy Harriet Tubman? Sexy Eleanor Roosevelt? Where does it end people?!
Anyway, I hope this post brings awareness to this important issue. And ladies, if you're out costume shopping and find yourself reaching for something inappropriately sexy, just remember: This is supposed to be a kid's holiday you pervert! Put some clothes on! Hahahaha! Hey people, sorry to say but I'm a little upset today. I'm sure a lot of you are upset about the same thing I am: the congressional shutdown of the government. Like many of you out there, it has affected me on a personal level. I have a cousin coming in to town tomorrow and we were planning to go to the Statue of Liberty. Well guess what? The Statue of Liberty is closed until all this gets resolved! Thanks a lot you jerks! Now, it was never my intention to use this blog as a political platform, but I gotta speak my mind and as far as I can see these Republicans are just being a bunch of babies. They're mad they didn't get their way regarding health care so they're throwing a collective tantrum like a toddler. And that Boehner is this worst of all of them, the biggest baby of the bunch! Well Boehner, if you're gonna act like a baby you're gonna get treated like a baby, and if you get treated like a baby you might as well look like a baby: Don't you think this should be the cover of tomorrow's Post? Anyway, that helped me blow off a little steam, and hopefully it'll all get resolved soon. And if it doesn't Apples is gonna have to take a trip down to Washington and whip these Republican jerks into shape. Don't test me, I mean it! Have a great weekend everyone!