Hey Guys! I know, I know, the Olympics are over and I gotta move on. Don't worry, I have, but I saw this amazing video the other day and I just had to share it with you all. Make sure to have the volume on or you won't get the joke! I wish I could take credit for this genius piece of filmmaking, but alas I did not make it. All credit goes to the people at Ghost Cow Films and College Humor, and of course the amazing figure skater Jason Brown for starring (albeit unwillingly) in this film. This Riverdance routine was amazing by the way, you should check it out fart-free! Anyway, I'm heading out of town for the weekend tomorrow but I just wanted to leave you all this gift before I left. I think whenever I'm feeling blue I'm going to watch this video and I'm sure my mood will turn right around! Have a great weekend!