Howdy from The Lone Star State! Actually I'm not in The Lone Star state anymore, but for the purposes of this blog post we'll pretend I am. It's been hard finding time for computer stuff on this cross country journey I'm on, there's just so much to see and do! But I'm so excited to share everything that's going on with you all, my loyal blog readers, so I'm trying to find any opportunity I can to post photos. I have a lot of pictures to share from Texas because it's such a big place! I hadn't been there before and I absolutely loved it. I visited some great cities and saw some beautiful countryside and I just can't wait to go back! Enjoy the pics and make sure to click on them for a little description.
Hey Guys, how's it going? I hope you have been having a good couple of weeks, I sure have! I'm actually all the way in Santa Fe, New Mexico now but I'm just getting a chance to put up some pictures from when I was in New Orleans. I think that was just last week actually but so much has happened since then that I don't even know where to begin! I guess I'll just go ahead and put the pics up and go ahead and click on the photo to make it bigger and for a little info. Take care y'all and I promise I'll try & put the next set of photos up soon. After New Orleans I was in Texas - GEE HAW! Hey Y'all! Hope you're having a great week! I'm down in the deep South now and I love it! The photos I'm going to share with you today are from Charleston, South Carolina and Savannah, Georgia. I absolutely loved both of these cities! They were so different but both had beautiful houses and parks and wonderfully laid back atmospheres. I also got the chance to visit Boone Hall Plantation in Charleston, which all you fans of the movie "The Notebook" would recognize as Rachel McAdams's family's summer home. So here's just a little taste of some of my adventures in the South. Click on the photos to see them bigger and to read a little info about each pic! |