Hey Everyone! I'm back from my weekend camping adventure in the Catskills and I feel completely refreshed and recharged and ready to tackle whatever comes my way! I don't think I have mentioned this before, but I am an avid Yogi and one of my favorite moments of the trip was when I was able to take some time for myself and practice yoga in the woods. I was so into my meditation that I didn't even know that Junes snapped these photos until later! For anyone who has never practiced yoga I highly recommend taking a class or trying some moves at home. I know the poses I'm doing may look complicated, but there are plenty of ways to incorporate yoga into your day without too much of a time commitment. In fact, this gives me an idea: I'm going to do a blog post about yoga! Look for that in the next couple weeks, and in the mean time don't try these at home, I'm an extremely flexible mule and I wouldn't want anyone to hurt themselves! Have a Happy Tuesday!