![]() Hey Guys, Happy Throwback Thursday! I can't remember the last time I shared a Throwback picture so I guess it's been too long. Sorry about that, but I've got a good one to make it up to you. It's the middle of summer now and I think I've mentioned before that I love the beach. But did I ever mention that I love surfing too? I'm no expert and I don't even own a board so I haven't been surfing in years, but check me out on a trip to Hawaii years back: I look pretty sharp, don't I? I feel like I have my "concentration" face on though, and I needed it because surfing is no joke. This was just a little itty bitty wave too, I don't know how those dudes ride the huge waves. I don't think I could do that, I stick to the ones 3 feet and under. I'm just a little mule after all - hahaha! But check out the video below if you wanna see the world record for biggest wave ridden ever at 100 feet. The guy who rode that wave is named Garrett McNamara and he's either one of the coolest or one of the craziest dudes around. Or both! Have a great weekend everyone!
Hey Guys! I hope everyone had a nice long weekend. It was sunny and warm here in NYC yesterday, and for the first time after this long winter and cold spring I felt like summer just might be on its way. That made me happy because I am a summer-lovin' gal for sure! Here are a few of my favorite summer activities: Mmmmm, ice cream, I love eating ice cream! I don't know how to decide which one I want though, guess I'll have to eat them all! Amusement parks! I LOVE amusement parks, especially roller coasters. I've been on the Cyclone down in Coney Island about 87 times (roughly) and I can't wait to go again this summer! I don't recommend doing these first two summer activities in order though, you should probably wait until after the Cyclone to consume 6 ice cream cones. And speaking of consuming a lot of food, you should stay away from Coney Island on July 4th if you're squemish, that's the day they hold the hot dog eating contest. The guy that won last year ate 69 hot dogs in 10 minutes - gross! Camping! That's me on the left (duh!) poking my head out of the tent during a camping adventure last year. I may be a city girl now but I love getting out into nature and getting back in touch with my earthy side, which is what I was doing in the photo on the right. That's a pretty advanced yoga move I'm doing though, so don't try this at home kids! Fresh fruit salads and smoothies - I practically exist on these when the weather's hot and I don't feel like eating anything else. And nothing wrong with spiking your smoothie with a little rum or tequila at night, (or during the day - hahaha!) it's still got the nutrients from the fresh fruit and will help you get the party started! Outdoor movies! I love movies, I love the outdoors, combining the two is a no-brainer! My local outdoor movie location is in Brooklyn Bridge Park and of all the outdoor movies in the country I think we might have the most spectacular view, wouldn't you agree? And finally, my very favorite thing about summer is that you can go to the beach! I love the beach! All winter long I fantasize about burying myself in the sand, frolicking in the water, having Aziz Ansari rub suntan lotion all over my body........................................ Wait what? What happened? So sorry, I must have trailed of there for a minute. Anyway, to summarize - beach: good, Aziz Ansari: good, Aziz Ansari with me at the beach: Best Thing Ever! Happy beginning of summer everyone & I'll catch y'all later! Just one more photo, I couldn't mention "My Man" without showing a photo of him. There are still no photos of Aziz shirtless, unfortunately, but he's looking pretty summery here.
Hey there, happy 2014! It's that time again, when people make a list of goals that they'd like to accomplish. I love making lists so I thought I'd join in on the fun! ![]() 1. Finally make it over to visit George Clooney in Lake Como. Everyone knows that Clooney spends his summers at his villa in Lake Como, Italy (seen left), and I have always wanted to make time to go visit him! I resolve that this summer I will make it happen. Oh yeah, I guess I gotta snag an invite first. Or do I? - hahaha! ![]() 2. Resolve my differences with Barbara Walters. I don't want to get into the whole thing right now, but Ms. Walters and I had a sort of a tiff a few years back and needless to say I haven't been invited on The View since. Babs knows what she did, but I'm willing to be the bigger creature here and let bygons be bygons. Oh yeah, but as for my feud with Martha Stewart - (explained here: http://www.applesthemule.com/1/category/martha%20stewart/1.html) consider it still on! ![]() 3. Star in a Terrence Malick movie. This may sound like an unreachable goal but it's not actually as hard as you might think. The man went from making one movie every 7.5 years to cranking them out one after another. And I saw "Tree of Life," I know what it takes. If you're reading this Terry, consider this my audition: Have a wonderful week everyone!
Hey Everyone, I don't know where you're reading from but chances are it is hot! Here in New York City we're melting like a stick of butter in a hot skillet. Today I wanted to do a video blog for you all and talk about what's been going on in my life, but as you'll see I found it difficult to function in the heat. Watch below to see what happened: I stayed in that freezer for 20 minutes and let me tell you, it felt amazing! I'm lucky that I fit in there, but I know that most of my readers probably aren't so lucky so here's a little slide show for you of things that'll help you think cool thoughts. Enjoy! Hello everyone! It's finally getting hot here in NYC and so I want to take this opportunity to discuss a very important topic: whether or not men should be allowed to walk down the street shirtless. I have some very strong feelings on this subject, and since it's my blog I'm gonna tell them to you! Hahahahaha! It is my personal belief that every man who would like to go shirtless on the street should be required to get a license to do so. He would have to appear before a panel of judges (selected by me of course) who will evaluate him and determine whether or not society will benefit from seeing his naked torso. That way we'll avoid seeing this: But we'll still get to see this: And in case you're wondering, yes, I did try to find a photo of my crush, Aziz Ansari shirtless and wouldn't you know it I couldn't find any! This has definitely got to change..... Have a good week!