Hey Everyone, happy hump day! How's your week going? Today I'm going to talk about twitter. Are you guys on twitter? I was initially not a fan, it seemed like just another unnecessary social media annoyance, but I have changed my tune over the past few months. I found some people, mostly professional comedians but some non-comedian people too who write really clever tweets and I realized that when done right twitter can be an art form. It's a lot harder than it seems to write something clever using only 140 characters, but I'm working at it and building my twitter followers steadily. Here are some examples of what I think are really funny tweets: So those are some tweets from the pros, now here are some of mine: So what do you think? Are my tweets good enough to be up there with the big boys and girls? I hope so! You can check out all my tweets at https://twitter.com/ApplesTheMule, and if you're on twitter definitely follow me and I'll follow you right back! Have a good rest of your Wednesday everyone!
Hey Guys! Wow, what a nice day it is here in NYC! Spring is finally coming, you can feel it in the air. I hope you're experiencing some Spring-like weather, wherever you're reading this! So have you guys heard of the "Celebrities Read Mean Tweets" videos? It's a segment on the Jimmy Kimmel Show where he gets major celebrities to read mean spirited tweets that people have written about them. While I'm not a fan of meanness on the internet or anywhere else, these are funny because they're ridiculous and over the top and the celebrities who are willing to go along with it are good humored about the whole thing. Here's a link to one of the videos, I highly recommend you watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpOEO2gUekE Now I don't know if you loyal blog readers know, but I happen to have a twitter account myself and am an active tweeter and am steadily building followers. My twitter handle is @applesthemule, follow me if you're on twitter! I'm sure that eventually I too will receive a mean tweet or two (or two hundred!) so I decided to just get it out of the way and write my own mean tweets about myself. And just like Jimmy Kimmel's segment, I filmed myself reading them aloud. So here it is: Apples The Mule Reads Mean Tweets...About Herself! |